We buy for a LOT of Children for Christmas. Between niblings, Godchildren and little besties there are around 16, ranging from 1-16! So not all of them will fall in this category, but a lot do! Here are some things we recommend.
How to Spot an Artist

This book is stunning! It’s visually beautiful, as you would expect, but also has a lovely message about what it means to be an artist and I think it would make a lovely confidence boost for a little artist in your life.
Stomp Rocket

This seems like the kind of chaotic fun that my nephews would like. It’s a little bit science-y too which appeals to the nerdy side of me, but also a great activity to try that gets them away from screens for a while and can create some really fun memories.
Remindfuls for Kids

You know I’m all about nourishing children’s mental health and I think these little cards are such a lovely idea, especially for any children who are struggling a little with feeling anxious, or at that stage where their self-esteem is a little low. They’re little uplifting messages, beautifully designed, with a little stand where you can display the one you’ve chosen that day. I think this would make talking about emotions really natural and easy which is so important.
Disney Drawsome

This is something our whole family would enjoy – kids to grandparents! We love a family boardgame on Boxing Day and this can have 3-10 players (So Ruben will have to double up!). You take it in turns doing different Disney-themed drawing challenges such as seeing how many you can do in 60 seconds, or mashing two up in one picture.
Space Lab

Again, I love an educational gift that is something you can do or make. This set has 12 different experiments from glow in the dark models of constellations, to building a telescope and making galaxy slime. I’d have loved something like this as a child so hopefully someone else does this year too!
Remote Control Wall Climbing Car

What child (or husband of mine!) would not LOVE this little car that climbs walls?! I feel like this is such a fun Boxing Day novelty that will have all the kids (old and young) gathered around a hallway wall, watching it make it’s assent.
Magical Fairy Garden

I love a present that gives you something to do and this magical fairy garden is so sweet. It’s the perfect amount of creative, but with guidelines for those of us who were a little artistically challenged as kids. So even 7 year old Codie could make this look good.
Lego Mini Figure Puzzle

For the lego loving little one in your life, this is a unique gift that the whole family can join in with. A puzzle can be a real community activity, or something quiet for them to do on their own when you want them to do something other than be on a screen. The finished product is super cool too.

I love these series of books and I don’t think you necessarily need to by the girls books for girls, or the boys books for boys. I think it’s important to learn about people of all genders (in this case who are immigrants) who changed the world. Ruben has one from this series and as he grows up, I’d love to read him a chapter a night and inspire him, as well as learn a little myself too!
Monster of Worry

It’s been a tough year for us all, not least of whom the children, so this worry monster is a lovely gift idea. You can get books that go with them and it’s a lovely way to open up conversations about our anxieties and how to manage these feelings.
The Can-do Kids Journal

I love a bit of empowerment and through my work I get a glimpse into how difficult it can be to be a child or young person right now, and how easily their self-esteem can be torn down. This book is something I would have loved and is a fantastic way to make your children feel more confident and self-assured.
Children are so wildly different it’s hard to cover them all in one gift guide, but I hope this has given you some ideas!
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