Cruelty Free Make-up

I’m a veggie for a whole host of different reasons, but animal welfare is a pretty huge one. So it would seem silly for me to not try to make cruelty-free choices when it comes to my makeup and beauty choices. After all, I’m against animals being bred and slaughtered for my tummy, so why would I want them to suffer for my face? 


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not perfect. If you looked at my makeup or bath products, you might find a few baddies and that’s simply because they were bought before I knew better or by someone else. I won’t throw them away because I’m also against waste and the money has already gone to the companies so it seems silly, but I just won’t purchase them again. 


I know that Mac isn’t going to crumble just because I haven’t bought a Ruby Woo, but by buying their products, it’s almost like I’m saying it’s okay, and I don’t think that at all. 


It can get quite hard to know where to draw the line. Some parent companies of cruelty free brands do test on animals (see The Body Shop & L’oreal) but let’s face it, we don’t all always agree with choices our parents make but if we do the right thing it makes a difference. 


You may think that if Mac isn’t cruelty free then surely no good brands are, but that, my friend, is where you are wrong! 


  • Soap and Glory (one of my favourite brands for make-up!) are cruelty free and I am a big fan.
  • Nyx (to whom I am a recent convert) are also CF and I love that so much! Their lipsticks are my actual fave so Mac can suck it tbh. 
  • Boots & Superdrug own brands are CF like Seventeen and No7 which is cracking if that is your jam. 
  • For cheaper brands I love Sleek who are amazing and affordable. Make Up Revolution for their eyeshadow palettes and Makeup Academy. Yes friend. 


There are also pricier brands such as Urban Decay, Illamasqua, Too Face, Nars, Tarte and Kat Von D. I don’t use any of these products but they feature in most make-up tutorials that I while away my time watching so I’m taking that as a positive. 


Basically, you don’t have to sacrifice a beautifully made-up face by going cruelty free so there really isn’t much of a reason not to! Challenge yourself! 


My pal Bethan has a great blog on this which is much more eloquent that me. She’s also much better at make-up and stuff so her post is deffo worth a read:



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