Whenever any organisation asks for my ‘home’ address, I panic. You see, thanks to university, a dramatic break up and an inability to stay in one place for too long, I have had around 10 address’ in the past 4 years. I’m not a spy or a criminal on the run, but having so many addresses is quite the inconvenience. It also means that I don’t really feel as though I have a specific ‘home’. When you know that every place you live is temporary you don’t bother laying proper roots, even unpacking everything seems like an unnecessary ‘faff’.
So it is even more exciting, then, that on Tuesday 28th October 2014, I will be moving into my very own Penthouse Apartment with my wonderful boyfriend. An (at least semi-) permanent address to call ‘home’, whatever that word means! We have sort of lived together for pretty much all of our relationship, spending our nights squashed into tiny student rooms, or staying with his parents for the summers between university. But this place will not just be one small room, it will in fact be two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room & 3 toilets(!) all to ourselves!
I’ve never really seen myself as someone who would get excited over interior design or particularly nice kitchens. I have always been more likely to run off to join a nudist colony! However, as lame as it may sound, Steven has made me excited about the more mundane parts of life. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want a picket fence and 2.5 children just yet, but an amazing hub from which to embark on our (many!) travel adventures and to enjoy our creative endeavours!
We are generally quite messy people, because two creative minds in one small space is bound to equal disaster. However, we chose our apartment, partially on the storage space, and with a place to be proud of, I really think we’re going to be able to keep it nice and tidy. We got an amazing bargain with an Ikea bed that should have been £600 for £90(!) and a really lovely sofa set for free from Steven’s cousin. It’s easy to forget, however, how many things are needed for a first ever home! I am worried we will have forgotten something really important that we won’t notice until we move in – at least we have our holographic toilet seat covers eh!?
What a lovely blog post! i’ve moved twice in 2 years and moving again in 3 weeks! Packing and unpacking is soo boring! the worst part about moving!Good luck in your new home!
Thanks Jade! Packing is the worst! Hopefully this is the last time for a while! 🙂 x
Nothing quite setting into your very first home, how exciting! It can be expensive if you have few items, I remember family helping me I had a new/old fridge freezer from my aunt.
Congrats – exciting times ahead.
Family hand-me-downs are certainly the best way to start I think! Thanks Angela! x
Congratulations! You’ll absolutely love it. My boyfriend moved in in August and it was one of the best decisions we ever made 🙂 Boys are RUBBISH with unpacking though so be prepared to nag a little…
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