This post was originally a sponsored post with Jacks – who no longer exist (I don’t think they went under because of my post but I can’t be sure) it was also originally posted in 2020, so I’ve updated some of it in 2023.
I love making food fun for my boys, and so I tried my hand at some easy Halloween snacks. These would be cute for a party, or even just to add some spooky magic at home.
I’ve tried my hand at some Pinterest favourites (with varying successes), but I was really impressed at how cheap and relatively easy a lot of these were. Even at the ripe old age of 30-something, they brought me a lot of joy, so I know that they will be a huge hit with children this year!
Easy spooky snacks for an at-home Halloween Party
Monster Burgers
These were probably one of the easiest things I made but the most effective. Simply use a burger in a bun (we of course used veggie burgers) and cut up your cheese to look like fangs. Then add a sliced gherkin for a tongue (don’t forget to each several while cooking – or is that just me?!) and then toothpicks with olives make perfect googly eyes! These would be really fun to get the kids to help with making but don’t forget to take the toothpicks out before you munch them!
Gingerbread Ghouls
I’d love to say I made these, but I would be lying. I got these from the bakery section at Jacks for mere pence and they are just such a lovely Halloween treat.
Chocolate Crispy Spiders
I originally tried to make these Frankenstein treats, but I made a right mess and ended up with a tray of green crispies that didn’t set! So, I went for a much simpler option and they were a success! Just chocolate, rice crispies and some strawberry laces, plus white chocolate buttons for eyes, and they were a real hit. I ended up sharing some of these at work and they were gobbled up by some hungry but happy counsellors. This would be a fun one to involve the children in making as they’re super easy.
Jack-o-lantern Quesadillas
I actually love how these came out! I usually make quesadillas in the pan on the hob, but when I tried this the cheese all leaked out and they didn’t look as good. So, what I did instead was cut the shapes out of the wrap that would be on the top (used my trusty cutters to get clean lines but I’m sure a knife would work too!), added some cheese (I went for red Leicester for the colour) and some herbs, and onions and popped it in the grill until the cheese was melted. Ruben (& Steven!) absolutely loved them!
Banana Ghosts
These were the easiest things to make and looked really cute! Just chop a banana in half and add chocolate chips for eyes and a spooky mouth. Ruben loves bananas and he found it really funny that these had little faces so they were a hit. If you were doing a big table of spooky food for a Halloween party, they’d be great to fill spaces as they’re so effective but take no time at all to make. Top tip: push the pointy bit of the chocolate chips into the banana flesh (ew, flesh), as they stay a lot better than the flat bit.
Satsuma Pumpkins
Another really easy but effective bit of edible table decor, these are just little oranges (satsumas, clementines, tangerines, whatever floats your boat) with a bit of celery poking out the top. I couldn’t believe how cute these looked.
Stuffed Jack-o-lantern Peppers
I made this as a late-night snack for Steven and he really enjoyed it. Just cut the top off a pepper (and maybe a bit off the bottom if you need to, to get it to stand up) and carefully make a Jack-o-lantern style face on one side. Then fill with whatever takes your fancy. I think I’d like to do a veggie chilli next time, but this time I just did cheese, garlic, onion and herbs. Then pop in the oven to melt the insides and to give the outside a shrivelled look.
And a fail – Strawberry Ghosts
Oh man. I was so excited by these, but what a mess I made of them! I used melted white chocolate but getting the strawberries covered was so hard! And then using chocolate chips rather than icing made them look a little odd too! Honestly, Steven nearly cried laughing at just how terrible they looked, but they were delicious. Maybe I should have just said that Ruben helped me make them!
I’m going to make some of these for actual Halloween day and dress Roo up as a pumpkin. I think we’ll do some crafts and watch something fun like The Nightmare Before Christmas.
What are your favourite spooky snacks? Let me know in the comments!
Lots of great ideas here.
I’m so excited for Halloween!