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I said ‘Hey! What’s going on?!’

You may have noticed that my posts have been rather infrequent over the past few weeks, and yet my Vlogs are coming weekly as promised. Basically, I am working pretty constantly on launching my new business (watch this space!) which is involving writing a whole lot for my website, and it’s making it hard to find time to write recreationally. I’m hoping that in the next few weeks, as my new venture becomes official, I can get back to blogging about a variety of different things that I’ve been storing as notes on my phone.

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I did it!

I am not good with the ol’ willpower. The second I know I can’t have something, it’s the only thing in the world I want. I’d sell my right arm for it. I’m just that kinda person. So when I decided that I would spend the whole of January on an alcohol and McDonalds ban, even I wasn’t sure I could manage it.

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Butter – A Review

“Butter’’ is one of those books that you’re not really sure how it ended up on your Kindle but you’re glad. I knew I wanted to read something less ‘heavy’ than a lot of the things I’ve read recently, and this seemed quite interesting. The plot is quite unusual, Butter is a morbidly obese teenager, who, fed up with being known for nothing other than his huge appetite, decides to eat himself to death, live on the internet on New Year’s Eve.

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Real Talk: Anxiety

Earlier this week, I read this great article by Kady Morrison which looked at ‘9 Things I wish people understood about anxiety’, which I liked so much, I decided to do my own version, based on my own experiences of Anxiety.

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I’m practically Rapunzel!

I’ve spent the last hour desperately trying in vain (in all senses of the word) to take a picture to show you how good my hair looks right now. My camera must be faulty. But trust me when I say, it is the strongest, thickest and healthiest it has ever been. As someone who used to dye her hair more than she changed her bedding, my poor hair hasn’t been in a great condition since I was about 13. So what’s sparked this change?

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Girl Online: A Review

I’ve only ever seen a few of Zoella’s vlogs and they’re fine. I don’t think I am the target audience, so she is certainly not my favourite vloggers, however as an avid fan of all Youtube culture, it was never in doubt that I would end up reading her debut novel, Girl Online. I read the whole thing in less than 12 hours, and I’m surprised to say that I didn’t hate it.

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Attachment: A Review

I loved Eleanor & Park and I’m not sure any Rainbow Rowell book will ever live up to it in my eyes, but of course I wanted to give her others ago. I was really not sure about Attachments until after I had gotten past the half-way mark, which is exactly how I’d felt about Landline.