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Healthy living: One week update!

I’ve officially made it! One week of no alcohol and healthy eating and I’m still alive! It’s not been perfect, don’t get me wrong. Our first week shop was a beautiful (but pricey) sea of fresh greens. We bought kale and chia seeds and a whole farm’s worth of fruit. Predictably, yet disappointingly, it lasted just a few days of morning smoothies and snack cravings before it went off or, y’know, was all gone. Our second shop of the month, with a smaller budget and way less enthusiasm was not quite as perfect.

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My biggest weakness

My biggest weakness is my inability to hold back my emotions at certain times. Particularly, for example, when I get incandescently angry or frustrated my tear duct traitors well up. When I was younger, this was a great technique to evoke sympathy from the person who caused these emotions, but now, at the grand old age of 23, with a …

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The unreachable fitness goal…

As with every New Year (and subsequent Sunday night/Monday mornings), I have, once again decided to eat better, tone up and lose a little weight. Not a huge amount, just so I am little healthier, and can fit in my nicer jeans again!
The issue, with me and food, is that I really bloody like it.

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2015: The Year of Creative Indulgence & Spiritual Healing

So over on my Youtube channel I alluded to the fact that for me, 2015 will be the ‘Year of Creative Indulgence’, and I would like to add, of ‘Spiritual Healing’, because I’m a big hippy who likes pretentious sounding titles! But what does that actually mean…?