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Anna and the French Kiss Review

I’ll hold my hands up and say this: Different people have been recommending this book to me since it came out, and | genuinely had zero interest in giving it a go until recently.

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Tuesdays with Morrie: Review

Instead of throwing a bucket of ice over herself to raise awareness of ALS, my best friend nominated me to read the book Tuesdays with Morrie. Now, this is not exactly an obscure book, and so it is a shock to me that in the many weeks of news feeds being full of people’s ice bucket videos (and status’ of people complaining about it) not one person had mentioned this book.

Another day, another Youtuber is found to have harassed his fans, and more my respect for the Youtube community I so want to be a part of, falters. The thing that drew me to Youtube, was how open a creative platform it was, however, what once was an incredible way to connect with content makers, seems to have become a way for some to exploit their power.