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Get Sexy this Valentines’ Day with Hunkemöller*

I am about as sexy as a jacket potato. It’s okay, I know who I am. I’m funny, and I’m cute but I am absolutely not sexy. Thankfully I’m married and so I can be confident that Steven loves me regardless, but after everything that’s happened recently, I am trying to challenge myself to do more things that scare me.

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The Relationship Archives – 1: Knee Deep in Slimy Toads 

I am, and always have been, a hopeless romantic. I’m a soppy mess who cries at romcoms and used to fall asleep dreaming of falling in love on a train/on holiday/in a theatre. I’m happily married now, and Steven is absolutely perfect, but please believe me when I say, I have had some hilariously disastrous relationships to get to this point. They say you have to kiss a few frogs, but I was almost knee deep in slimy toads.

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How to live more eco-consciously

We have gradually been making a few changing to help ourselves live more sustainably over the past few years and I wanted to share them here with you. Not everyone can do everything and no one can live a perfect life, but some of these changes are small and easy but can make a big difference.