The Relationship Archives – 1: Knee Deep in Slimy Toads 

I am, and always have been, a hopeless romantic. I’m a soppy mess who cries at romcoms and used to fall asleep dreaming of falling in love on a train/on holiday/in a theatre. I’m happily married now, and Steven is absolutely perfect, but please believe me when I say, I have had some hilariously disastrous relationships to get to this point. They say you have to kiss a few frogs, but I was almost knee deep in slimy toads.


I do, however, think that we are all culminations of the people we meet and the relationships we have and most of my failed relationships have taught me a lot. I know now what I want from my marriage because of them.

So, I’ve decided to post about them! I’ll anonymise their names (because weirdly at least one ex-boyfriend follows me online… if not a few!) and try to be objective. I’m going to do this as a series (lol, I’m so good at keeping up with series’ aren’t I?!), and try to do it chronologically. I think I’ll skip a few relationships that didn’t teach me much at all (these are not even the shorter ones, I learned a lot from those), or mention them in passing, but essentially we are going to go through my dating history. In a lot of cases, it’s not just the guys’ fault that it failed, and in a few cases it’s fully my fault so I am going to be as honest as I can. 

I’d be interested to hear your thoughts as we go along! 

A very nostalgic (and cringing!) Codiekinz. 


  1. I briefly wrote about dating while I was single and I really enjoyed writing the good, the bad and the ugly. I am happily engaged now though and agree I have learnt a lot from my previous relationships and I am a totally different person myself now.

  2. I love the idea of this so much! I find that there’s so much to learn from when looking back at past relationships, and sharing that wisdom.. well that’s just a nice thing to do xx

  3. I have had my fair share of frogs (and slimy toads too!) Looking forward to reading your new series and finding out what you learnt from each relationship

  4. I think its a goid idea for a series as people can learn from your experience. I must admit I’ve been lucky when it comes to love and only been with my husband.

  5. Love this idea for a blog series! I think there’s always something to learn from past relationships. Look forward to reading more..

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