I cannot believe I managed to blog every day in November! I am awful at sticking to things like this and yet here I am, on the very last day, having posted something on my humble blog every single November day!
Granted, I did have the help of Bethan once or twice, but even just managing to get something up is an achievement I think. It’s been really helpful in learning to let go. Not worrying about whether everyone will like what I post, whether its the most life-changing topic, but just blogging for the enjoyment. In fact, posting every day has increased my page views and sessions over 100% compared to the previous month! Check me out!
I’ve written some posts that I wasn’t 100% happy with, and hopefully those will just disappear into the dark corners of the internet, but I did manage to write the odd post that I quote enjoyed, so I thought I’d list them here, incase you missed them!
A massive, giant thank you to Rosalilium for hosting the challenge and getting me out of a writing rut! It was also great to see so many other great posts using the hashtag and I’ve certainly found some new blogs to follow!
However, tomorrow marks the 1st of December (EEE!), and with it, comes Vlogmas. I have no idea how it’s going to go, but if you want to keep up with my adventures, please follow my Youtube channel.
It was a challenge wasn’t it?! I’m actually really proud of being able to do it! But looking for a break now! Going back down to posting every other day for December – don’t fancy Blogmas on top of #BEDN
Well done you! Yeah, I’m going to blog slightly more than I used to, but a lot less thane everyday! That was hard! x