a new build detached home, with a wood coloured door and metal fencing around it

We bought a house!

I cannot believe we have actually, finally bought a house. If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ll know it’s taken around 7 years to get to this point – partially because of Steven running his own business, and then me being self-employed, plus breaks to have babies and a global pandemic. It’s been A. Time.

But here we are. We’ll be completing on our beautiful 3-bed detached new build home this summer, and I couldn’t be more excited. I thought I’d do a little catch-up post all about the ~vibe~ we will be going for in the new house – without giving too much away. 

I know that all grey everything is super on-trend, but that’s just not us. We are too messy, and too colourful for that, and after our gorgeous trip to Margate we decided to just embrace colour and have a home that fully represents us. We’ve got some fun paint ideas – not quite as bright and colourful as the AirBnB we stayed in, but certainly a statement, and want our house to feel fun and happy, but still quite cool and stylish. 

We have an entrance hall where I want to have a little Montessori set-up for the boys, with child-height coat hooks, and a little bench to put their shoes on, plus a mirror for them to brush their hair etc, before they leave. The kitchen/diner is an area I’m super excited about as it has French windows, so the boys can go and play in the garden while I potter around in the kitchen, making a Gousto dish, with loud music playing. 

A downstairs loo is gonna have some really fun wallpaper, and the utility next door will hide all our washing and general mess. I’ve got a huge list of different prints and knick-knacks I want to buy for the house and I can’t wait to get ordering (once we’ve bought the boring stuff like… flooring)

The living room is gonna have a feature wall (which is currently under wraps for now), and an area for the boys to play. As much as I know some people don’t like kids’ toys in the living area, I want my children to be able to get their things out and play. They will both have some toys in their bedroom (in Roo’s case, mainly so that anything will small parts, or that he doesn’t want Indie to get hold of, is safe) but I still want the living room to be a space for us all – where all the toys can be put away at the end of the night. 

Ruben wants a space room which I am super excited for, and Indiana is going to have his first ever bedroom, which I’m thinking of doing sea-themed. Simply because he is our little water baby – born in the sac, into a pool. 

I’m excited for our bedroom, as this is a space that always gets forgotten about wherever we have lived. We’re thinking of a really Boujee vibe, with luxury duvet covers, a built in wardrobe so our stuff isn’t everywhere and a really fresh, natural feel with some eucalyptus and other plants around. 

We’ll have an ensuite with a shower which will be really handy, and then a family bathroom with the main bath in it which will likely be overrun by toys. But that’s just how we like it.

Before we move we have so much to do. Stuff to buy. Choices to decide. Clutter to de-clutter and a whole load of stuff to pack. But until then I will just enjoy myself planning my dream home on Pinterest and ignoring the price tags! 

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