I can’t believe that this Mother’s Day, I’m an actual Mum. Last year I was a bit sad as we had been trying to conceive and it felt as though it was never going to happen. Thankfully, this year I am writing this while Baby Roo sleeps next to me, looking precious and making my heart want to burst. Obviously it’s a bittersweet one, as it’s my first one as a Mum, but also my first without my own Mum. But today, I want to focus on my first 3.5 months of Mum’ing and what it’s really been like.
How to shop for everyone on your Christmas list using only Etsy
Think you can’t buy something for everyone on Etsy? Challenge accepted!
The Basic Tag
I’m basic and proud! SpookyKiah started this tag so here are 10 reasons I’m basic AF!
The (Broken) Vagina Monologues: Part 5 – A Vaginal Video Game
Hello again friends! It’s been a while! My broken vagina and I have actually been busy growing a little human (I am aware that it’s my womb doing the growing, but it makes more sense poetically to say it’s my vag), and in a few months time (December to be exact) I will be pushing him out of it too! If I thought sex was painful, I feel like childbirth is going to be a whole other level… However, I realise I left you on a bit of a cliffhanger (or a clit-hanger as my pals at My Dad Wrote A Porno blog would say), and it’s time to catch up!
Why I Deleted my most Popular Blog Post Ever
My most popular post ever was raking in thousands of views a month. But I deleted it.
Why I Overshare…
If you have spoken to me in real life, it will come as no surprise that I am a bit of an over sharer. My broken vagina updates come up as a regular topic at various blog events and if I take a particularly noteworthy poop, I’m more than happy to offer a detailed description. Hey – I have never pretended to be classy!
Mind, Body Soul Experience Manchester Giveaway
Win one of 2 pairs of weekend tickets for the Mind, Body, Soul Experience in Manchester!
Bongo’s Bingo – Does it live up to the Hype?
If you haven’t heard of Bongo’s Bingo, where have you been? No longer just a hobby for the blue-rinse-brigade, Bongo’s combines the number-daubing game, with music, drinking and dancing on benches, plus a whole load of weird and wonderful prizes. I recently attended a Bongo’s Bingo event for the first time in Leeds the other week and it was… interesting!
Magical Harry Potter Giveaway
A Harry Potter giveaway!
Get Sexy this Valentines’ Day with Hunkemöller*
I am about as sexy as a jacket potato. It’s okay, I know who I am. I’m funny, and I’m cute but I am absolutely not sexy. Thankfully I’m married and so I can be confident that Steven loves me regardless, but after everything that’s happened recently, I am trying to challenge myself to do more things that scare me.