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Being a Mum: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

I can’t believe that this Mother’s Day, I’m an actual Mum. Last year I was a bit sad as we had been trying to conceive and it felt as though it was never going to happen. Thankfully, this year I am writing this while Baby Roo sleeps next to me, looking precious and making my heart want to burst. Obviously it’s a bittersweet one, as it’s my first one as a Mum, but also my first without my own Mum. But today, I want to focus on my first 3.5 months of Mum’ing and what it’s really been like.

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The (Broken) Vagina Monologues: Part 5 – A Vaginal Video Game

Hello again friends! It’s been a while! My broken vagina and I have actually been busy growing a little human (I am aware that it’s my womb doing the growing, but it makes more sense poetically to say it’s my vag), and in a few months time (December to be exact) I will be pushing him out of it too! If I thought sex was painful, I feel like childbirth is going to be a whole other level… However, I realise I left you on a bit of a cliffhanger (or a clit-hanger as my pals at My Dad Wrote A Porno blog would say), and it’s time to catch up! 

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Why I Overshare…

If you have spoken to me in real life, it will come as no surprise that I am a bit of an over sharer. My broken vagina updates come up as a regular topic at various blog events and if I take a particularly noteworthy poop, I’m more than happy to offer a detailed description. Hey – I have never pretended to be classy! 

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Bongo’s Bingo – Does it live up to the Hype?

If you haven’t heard of Bongo’s Bingo, where have you been? No longer just a hobby for the blue-rinse-brigade, Bongo’s combines the number-daubing game, with music, drinking and dancing on benches, plus a whole load of weird and wonderful prizes. I recently attended a Bongo’s Bingo event for the first time in Leeds the other week and it was… interesting!

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Get Sexy this Valentines’ Day with Hunkemöller*

I am about as sexy as a jacket potato. It’s okay, I know who I am. I’m funny, and I’m cute but I am absolutely not sexy. Thankfully I’m married and so I can be confident that Steven loves me regardless, but after everything that’s happened recently, I am trying to challenge myself to do more things that scare me.