Being a Mum with OCD, my brain doesn’t seem to work the way it does for most other people and it’s really hard.
My Baby Class Obsession
It’s 3 o clock and I find myself dancing around with a guy. He’s been a bit sick but I’m not put off – we’ve all been there pal. I’ve got a bottle in one hand, the music is pumping and the lights are pulsating to the beat. I’m singing along and I can’t stop smiling, I’m utterly giddy – there’s a bubble machine for goodness sake. I’m having the time of my life.
Being a Mum: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
I can’t believe that this Mother’s Day, I’m an actual Mum. Last year I was a bit sad as we had been trying to conceive and it felt as though it was never going to happen. Thankfully, this year I am writing this while Baby Roo sleeps next to me, looking precious and making my heart want to burst. Obviously it’s a bittersweet one, as it’s my first one as a Mum, but also my first without my own Mum. But today, I want to focus on my first 3.5 months of Mum’ing and what it’s really been like.
AD | The Snuza HeroMD Baby Heart Rate Monitor Review
If I thought I was anxious before having Ruben, it’s nothing compared to the constant terror I feel now that we have this fragile (yet super chunky!), beautiful little bean to keep alive everyday. So anything that helps ease that anxiety is so important to me and when I was sent a Snuza HeroMD baby heart rate monitor, I knew it would be a real help!
Surviving a long jouney (& a hotel stay!) with a newborn
This weekend we headed down to Peterborough to introduce baby Roo to my side of the family – a long ol’ drive for a newborn, especially one going through a leap! Here’s how we did it!
Totally Milking it: Breastfeeding Top Tips
certainly no expert I feel like I’ve picked up a few tips and tricks in this time. I think some of our success in breastfeeding (baby Roo has put on a buttload of weight since being born, even despite constantly vomiting several times after every feed!), is pure luck. I seem to have birthed a baby who is a natural breast feeder (thank goodness!), but some of it, I think, is due to planning and preparation. So here are my top tips for your nips! (sorry pals, couldn’t resist!)
Ruben’s First Week
I can’t believe that it’s been a week since this tiny whirlwind came into our lives, and made me a Mum. This is the first time I’ve been able to crack my laptop out and do something just for me and it feels so weird. I feel a little lost without a baby attached to my nipples, or in my arms. In fact he’s laid right next to me and every few words I type, I’ll watch him for a few seconds to make sure he’s okay. This is my life now.
The Lush Spa & Pregnancy
Y’all know I love Lush. Especially now I am 35 weeks pregnant and practically a whale, I just want to live in the bath with my Kindle and a selection of cruelty free bath products. So when I saw that Lush Liverpool were having a pregnancy event on a day I just happened to be on annual leave (thank you to the 12 people who gave me the heads up!), I knew I had to go!
The Third Trimester – I’ve been pregnant for forever
I’m at that stage in pregnancy (34 weeks) where I’m pretty sure I’ve been pregnant for 12 years. I haven’t seen my va-jay-jay in forever, (although my waxing lady assures me it is still there), I didn’t get to enjoy a summer cocktail, or hot cider, and I really want to go on a rollercoaster. I’m at the end of the third trimester and I just want him here now!
Why Centre Parcs is the best place for a UK babymoon
Being pregnant is really bloody hard. I won’t go into all the reasons why, but if there is ever a time you need a holiday, it’s when you’re pregnant. A baby moon might seem a little extra, but when you really think about the fact that in just a few more weeks your life is going to be turned upside down by a tiny tornado and this is the last time you’ll be able to travel with your other half as just the two of you, you’ll start to see why it’s a necessity.