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Dear 15 year old me

Dear 15 year old Me, Firstly, stop TlKiN lYk DiS and declaring yourself to be ‘so random’. Also, flat hair is not a good look. Thank you. I know things are hard now, being a teenager is difficult enough as it is, but add to that bringing up your little sister, and dealing with your Mum’s depression and y’know what? …

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I love…

So this week I’ve found myself engrossed in a book, watching some great tv and eating some very nommy sweets. Click here to find out more!

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Are we over charity ‘challenges’?

It started with the no make up selfie, and now, the ice bucket challenge. The first few days of any online charity challenge is filled with enthusiasm, everyone secretly wanting to be nominated, a fuzzy feeling around doing something good. I discuss clicktivism, and a new nomination challenge centred around poop!

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Exclusive: 73% of students set to vote in the General Election

At the Student Media Summit 2014 this week, the National Union of Students (NUS) released exclusive research showing that 73 per cent of students are now registered to vote in the 2015 General Election. The aspiring media professionals were given an exclusive view of this research ahead of it being released to the national news.

Proverbs for 2014

Proverbs seem a little outdated now, so here are a selection of Modern Day Proverbs. Originally posted on: August 2014

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5 Day Detox

My name’s Codie, and I am a chocoholic. And a sweetie monster. And a McDonalds nommer. In fact, I do not eat well, at all! If I have the munchies at work, I won’t just grab an apple, I’ll get a 5 pack of Timeouts, and several packs of sweets.

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I’ve taken dance classes since I was 3 years old, so when I decided to sign up for my first ever hot yoga class, I didn’t think it would be a big deal… I was so wrong!